v i s i t o r s

Research interests
> Invasive plants in Israel
Other invasives in Israel

> Invasive plants in Israel

Alien and invasive plants in natural areas in Israel

Hereafter a list of alien and invasive plants found in natural areas in Israel during my recent research.
The natural areas considered are mainly Nature Reserves, National Parks and open areas in the Mediterranean-climate region of Israel.

One or two original photos of each species are displayed together with:
(1) Information related to the characteristics of the species.
(2) The places where it has been found in Israel.
(3) Its current status according to the terminology proposed by Richardson et al. (2000).
(4) Information related to the introduction, the occurrence and the control of the species in Israel specifically.
(5) The most effective control methods in use.
(6) A brief list of references related to the species.

This website is the first to display alien an invasive plants present in natural areas in Israel

Acacia cyclops A.Cunn.
Acacia farnesiana Willd.
Acacia paradoxa DC
Acacia salicina Lindl.
Acacia saligna (Labill.) Wendl.
Acacia victoriae Benth.
Ailanthus altissima Swingle
Atriplex holocarpa F.Muell.
Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N. E. Br.
Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist
Cyperus odoratus L.
Datura stramonium L.
Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.
Ficus benghalensis L.
Ficus benjamina L.
Ficus religiosa L.
Heterotheca subaxillaris (Lam.) Britton et Ruoby
Lantana camara L.
Melia azedarach L.
Nicotiana glauca R. Grah.
Oenothera drummondii Hook.
Oxalis pes-caprae L.
Parkinsonia aculeata L.
Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst.
Phytolacca americana L.
Pistia stratiotes L.
Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.
Ricinus communis L.
Robinia pseudoacacia L.
Schinus lentiscifolius March.
Schinus molle L.
Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi
Solanum elaegnifolium Cav.
Tipuana tipu (Benth.) Kuntze
Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) A.Gray
Washingtonia robusta Wendl.
Xanthium strumarium L.

Last Modified: November 8th, 2006

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